Re: [sv-bc] Keywords

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Tue Apr 26 2005 - 19:27:55 PDT
Greg Jaxon wrote:

>When they do, perhaps one lesson to learn from the "config" experience
>should be to give words a decent english spelling, e.g., "configure" or
>"configuration", in the manner of a Hamming code which considers
>their frequency of use relative to the average source code token.

Perhaps a better lesson is that when you are extending an old language
and trying to maintain backward compatibility for a lot of legacy code,
you can compare possible keywords against some of that legacy code.
Why guess whether a keyword is going to cause a lot of conflicts, when
you can test it?

Steven Sharp
Received on Tue Apr 26 19:27:59 2005

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