Re: [sv-bc] Keywords

From: Kevin Cameron <kcameron_at_.....>
Date: Tue Apr 26 2005 - 14:19:36 PDT
Paul Graham wrote:

>>Nor is there any reason to recognize "module" as a keyword in a module.
>>But for the sake of uniformity, it is sacrificed.
>Well there is, if you allow nested modules.
>>When they do, perhaps one lesson to learn from the "config" experience
>>should be to give words a decent english spelling, e.g., "configure" or
>Nobody's complaining about 'endgenerate'.  But keywords like
>'bit' and 'byte' will be a problem for some existing designs.
bit and byte don't have to be considered keywords at all: they can be 
redefined as (optional) pre-defined types (typedefs from something less 
likely to clash -

logic is a similar problem for existing Verilog-AMS users who want to 
migrate into SystemVerilog-AMS.

Note: this is in the Issue List, but is marked closed -

- IMO it shouldn't be marked closed until there is actually an approved 
alternative solution, and it's not clear to me how exactly namespaces 
would fix the problem.

Received on Tue Apr 26 14:20:40 2005

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