RE: [sv-bc] Re: Fwd: Re: Priority / Unique Errors

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Fri Apr 08 2005 - 11:52:54 PDT
>From: "Rich, Dave" <>
>[DR>] That is why I tried to propose that the default branch of a
>priority/unique case statement not be part of the check, and only get
>executed if there is a violation. Having a default branch in a p/u case
>statement is currently useless.

It is useless in a priority case, since the check will never fail when
there is a default.  Conversely, if the action on a failure in a priority
case is to execute the default, as you propose, it is pretty pointless to
declare it as` a priority case.  An ordinary case already executes the
default when no other case item matches, so declaring it priority wouldn't
change anything.

I am not convinced that a default is useless in a unique case.  You might
have a default to handle a set of values that are too complex to specify
explicitly, but still want a failure if multiple explicit case items matched.

Perhaps you are assuming that a default is treated as an "always match",
which would automatically result in a failure if an explicit case item
matched also.  That is not how I interpret it.  I already assume that the
default is not part of the multiple match portion of the unique check.
The default is only considered if none of the other items match, so it
can never match at the same time as another item.

>I would rather we take some functionality out than let poorly understood
>functionality go in. Spend the proper amount of time to get it right.

Are you suggesting that priority and unique be removed from the P1800 LRM?

Steven Sharp
Received on Fri Apr 8 11:52:59 2005

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