[sv-bc] FW: interpreation of priority if-else or case statement

From: Maidment, Matthew R <matthew.r.maidment_at_.....>
Date: Mon Mar 28 2005 - 22:22:38 PST
>From: Antara Ghosh <antarag@interrasystems.com>
>To: sv-bc@server.eda.org
>Subject: interpreation of priority if-else or case statement
>What is the difference between the behavior of priority if-else/case 
>statement and normal (without unique or priority attribute) if-else 
>LRM states "A priority if indicates that a series of if ... 
>else ... if 
>conditions shall be evaluated in the order listed." But that is the 
>inherent behavior of an if-else if statements. The only difference 
>between normal if and priority if seems to be the fact that the later 
>errors out if there is a condition which is not present in 
>if-else ladder.
>Please let me know if I am missing something.
>Antara Ghosh
Received on Mon Mar 28 22:22:41 2005

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