Re: [sv-bc] Serious issue with default expressions for task and function arguments

From: Gordon Vreugdenhil <gordonv_at_.....>
Date: Thu Mar 03 2005 - 16:12:02 PST
Mark Hartoog wrote:
> My opinion is that engineers are not language experts, and giving an 
> error when there is any ambiguity in what the default value expression
> means is ok. I would just like to point out that the other languages
> with this feature do not have things like hierarchical functional calls
> or interface function calls, which make this issue more complicated. 

Mark, the problem with this approach is that we're defining
a *standard*.  If you really want to permit ambiguity and room
for interpretation, fine, define the minimal required situations
in which something is guaranteed to have known behavior and
then add language for the remainder to the effect that "implementations
may choose....".  Then it is clear to the users AND the implementors
what the base standard behavior is that one can rely on.

There is going to be enough interpretation differences based
on things that we haven't yet recognized that we shouldn't
be willing to accept ambiguity in situations where we have
recognized problems, particularly where interpretations are vastly
different in terms of what is legal.


> Mark Hartoog
> 700 E. Middlefield Road
> Mountain View, CA 94043
> 650 584-5404
Gordon Vreugdenhil,  Staff Engineer               503-685-0808
Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      
Received on Thu Mar 3 16:12:06 2005

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