[sv-bc] RE: [P1800] Universal Data Types Proposal - Dec 2004 Version

From: Kevin Cameron <KCAMERON@altera.com>
Date: Thu Dec 16 2004 - 17:29:17 PST


I don't like goals (4) & (5).


I think the "first usage" approach is a bad idea and unnecessary.


For AMS purposes a reg declaration is viewed as the declaration of a
driver (that is shared between the processes in a module). If you are
going to drop the reg I would prefer that each process has its own
(implicit) driver, procedural blocks then behave the same as continuous
assignments. That behavior also matches VHDL's creation of drivers,
which will make translation easier - as well as manual inlining of


The addition of uwire would appear to me to make (5) mostly redundant,
and it's a check you could do with a command-line switch - I don't see
the need to add the single-behavioral driver restriction.


I also don't see why you need a "universal" type, all you need is a
module default for the drivers - which could be "logic" in the absence
of anything else. I'd like to propose that you be able to type the
driver in the process instead of doing it at the module level e.g.:


      module foo (inout wire Q, input clk, input bool data, input


            initial begin

                  bool Q; // this process treats Q as bool


                  forever begin


Q = data;




            initial begin

                  logic Q; // this process treats Q as logic

                  Q = 1'bZ; // disabled

                  forever begin


if (1'b1 == blow_fuse) Q = 1'bX;






- but that's not particularly interesting unless you can drive more
types onto a wire and have a way of resolving them, which is what AMS
does, so I'd rather leave this stuff until we are considering
multi-type resolution

and/or AMS issues.






-----Original Message-----

Hi, All -


For the past six years, I have been trying to fix the annoying

that forces engineers to declare procedural variables or change

declarations when procedural variables are moved to continuous

or vice versa.


Attached is another attempt to fix this problem and satisfy past

Please give it a peak and respond.


Regards - Cliff




Cliff Cummings - Sunburst Design, Inc.

14314 SW Allen Blvd., PMB 501, Beaverton, OR 97005

Phone: 503-641-8446 / FAX: 503-641-8486

cliffc@sunburst-design.com / www.sunburst-design.com

Expert Verilog, SystemVerilog, Synthesis and Verification Training
Received on Thu Dec 16 17:29:45 2004

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