Re: [sv-bc] New Mantis item SV-BC 315 added

From: Adam Krolnik <>
Date: Thu Nov 18 2004 - 10:00:57 PST

Hi Doug;

You wrote:
>1. It is now possible to disambiguate between instance and module namespaces.
>e.g. If binding to identifier “foo”, and there is a local instance named “foo” and a
>module named “foo”, a user can unambiguously specify to which one binding occurs.

FYI, there is a precedence rule (coming from hierarchical scope resolution) that prefers
instances first over module names. But this does not help for the rest of types.

Can you add some descriptive text to define and explain the new components of a bind
statement? I.e. explain what the bind target identifier is for and what the bind
target list is for. Examples are supporting material, not defining material.

Can you mention nonstandard extensions (such as `uselib) in an LRM?

What is the definition of an "identical bind instantiation" ?

Can I bind the same component to the same place, but with different arguments to its
parameters? Or would this case be an identical bind instantiation that is disallowed?


     Adam Krolnik
     Verification Mgr.
     LSI Logic Corp.
     Plano TX. 75074
     Co-author "Assertion-Based Design"
Received on Thu Nov 18 10:01:06 2004

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