RE: [sv-bc] DataTypes: Plans for Dec. 1

From: Kathy McKinley <>
Date: Thu Oct 28 2004 - 07:56:23 PDT

Hi Stu,

The proposal does not suggest that we pair "one" with other net types;
I wouldn't like that either. I am going to pull the "wone" proposal
out of the larger donation and send it separately to the group.


>"wone" has been suggested as a keyword for a wire that is restricted to
>having a single source. It has not been voted on, even within the data
>types subcommittee, as far as I know. Personally, I have problems with
>"wone", which I assume is short "wire one driver". There are several other
>net net types: tri, wor, trior, wand, triand, tri0, tri1, supply0, supply1,
>and trireg. What are the contractions for a single driver version of these?
>Is it "tone", "wone", "toone", "tone0", "tone1", "sone0", "sone1" and
>"wonereg"? I HOPE NOT! I think there needs to be better way to specify a
>net that is restricted to a single source. Perhaps it could be an
>attribute, and perhaps it could be a keyword that could be paired with any
>of the net types.
>Something to discuss in an upcoming data types meeting.
>Stuart Sutherland
Received on Thu Oct 28 07:56:33 2004

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