Re: [sv-bc] Modport definitions

From: Francoise Martinolle <>
Date: Tue Mar 09 2004 - 08:51:37 PST

Yes, but I believe that my example needs to be rewritten to use named ports
as it is illegal
as it stands.

module TOP;
I myI [0:1](); // instantiate an array of interfaces I
M mod (myI[0], myI[1]); // pass the interface sub-elements down to module M
module M (.P(i[0]) , .Q(i[1]));
I i[0:1];

At 01:49 PM 3/8/2004 -0800, Dave Rich wrote:
>Yes, that was (one of) Francoise's question.
>Unlike V95 style, SystemVerilog port and modport expressions require you
>to use a new port_name instead of just using the expression in the port list.
>Adam Krolnik wrote:
>>Good morning;
>>Is it possible to declare a port in a modport to be a subset (part selection)
>>of the full port? It is common to see a module using a subset of the bits
>>of a signal (both as inputs and outputs.)
>>I see that one can provide a port expression ( .port_name(expression) ),
>>but don't know
>>if this is the way to do it.
>> Thanks.
>> Adam Krolnik
>> Verification Mgr.
>> LSI Logic Corp.
>> Plano TX. 75074
>> Co-author "Assertion Based Design"
>Technical Marketing Consultant and/or
>Principal Product Engineer
>tele: 650-584-4026
>cell: 510-589-2625
Received on Tue Mar 9 08:51:58 2004

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