Re: [sv-bc] Re: SV31A LRM interpretation for: unique case

Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Re: SV31A LRM interpretation for: unique case
From: Stefen Boyd (
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 16:58:18 PST

Only one minor typo. 'an' should be 'a':

"the simulator shall issue an error warning message"
should be
"the simulator shall issue a an error warning message"


At 10:05 AM 2/20/2004 -0800, Dave Rich wrote:

>In Verilog, there are three types of case statements, introduced by case,
>casez and casex. With SystemVerilog, each of these can be qualified by
>priority or unique. A priority case shall act on the first match only. A
>unique case shall guarantee no check for overlapping case values items,
>allowing the case items to be evaluated in parallel. A unique case shall
>issue an warning message if more than one case item matches the case
>expression. If the case is qualified as priority or unique, the simulator
>shall issue an error warning message if an unexpectedno case value item is
>foundmatches. These warnings can be issued at either compile time or run
>time, as soon as it is possible to determine the illegal condition.
><> wrote:
>>I still have some problems with the wording.
>>The LRM says,
>>"A unique case shall guarantee no overlapping case values".
>>(Read "items" for "values".)
>>This is incorrect. It does not "guarantee" anything.
>>It does not go and change the code I have typed in.
>>At most, it checks whether there are overlaps and warns me about it.
>>Second, the wording for "unique if" is,
>>"A software tool shall issue an error if it determines that more than one
>>condition is, or can be, true. A software tool shall also issue an error
>>if it determines that no condition is true, or it is possible that no
>>condition is true, and the final if does not have a corresponding else."
>>This wording implies that the check is a static one, performed at
>>compilation time, whereas the discussion in the last mails about
>>'unique case' talks about run-time errors.
>Yes, they can be checked statically, if the tool can do it, but not
>required. Note that your linting tool is being conservative. A static
>check for simulation means that there would be an error each time the
>statement executed. A formal tool would check for an error over all the
>possible legal inputs..
>>Third, regarding "overlapping case items":
>>In the given example,
>>unique casex (value)
>> 'b111x, `b11x1: $display( "case item 1 executed" ); //1st
>> case item - has multiple true case expressions
>> 'b1101: $display( "case item 2 executed" ); //2nd
>> case item - has no true case expression
>>in actual fact, the case items DO overlap. 'b11x1 overlaps 'b1101.
>>'b11x1 is a superset of 'b1101. This has nothing to do with the whether or
>>not the value 'b1101 actually occurs during simulation. If you give this
>>to a lint tool, it WILL tell you that the case items overlap.
>Changed to say that multiple case items must match the case expression.
>>Finally, the LRM also says,
>>"If the case is qualified as priority or unique, the simulator shall issue
>>an error message if an unexpected case value is found."
>>The word "unexpected" is out-of-place.
>>The simulator has no idea what is expected or unexpected,
>>only whether values are specified or not, or fulfill one or more of the
>>case items or not.
>>An unspecified value can be expected, and a specified value can be
>Changed to say that no items match
>>I suspect that after getting answers to these questions,
>>I will have further problems with the current or corrected language.

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