[sv-bc] Milestones Adjustments For SystemVerilog 3.1A

Subject: [sv-bc] Milestones Adjustments For SystemVerilog 3.1A
From: Vassilios.Gerousis@infineon.com
Date: Fri Dec 19 2003 - 06:47:33 PST

Dear SV Committee,
        After careful consideration, the SV chairs have decided to extend
the milestones for SystemVerilog 3.1A by one month, this extension includes
taking the holidays into account. The other two alternatives we had were to
either cut off some of the proposals from this release or borrow time from
the review period. These alternatives were dropped to allow more time for
"approved proposals" to be completed and to have a full month of review. We
also did not want to compromise the quality of 3.1A. SystemVerilog 3.1A will
be the stable version for the industry to base new tools and use for several
years to come.
        Based on this, we will follow the new milestones:

1- All current proposals that have gone through the operating guidelines
will be completed no later than the January 23, 2004. Completion at an
earlier date will facilitate the LRM editing and review process.
2- A Draft 3 of the LRM with approved enhancement will be completed by
December 31, 2003.
        a- This Draft LRM will be sent out to external reviewers to get
3- The Draft 4 of the LRM will be completed by January 31.
4- Since the SV-EC has completed its technical development, the committee
will spend
its time to review the LRM.
5- Since the SV-BC has completed its technical development, they will
consider additional errata as prioritized by the Johny and Karen. Review of
the LRM will start once these are complete.
6- The LRM full review will start on February 2, 2004. We will establish a
cross committee review like we did in 3.1. All feedback for the first review
must be sent to the respective committee and copied to David Smith. We will
close the first review by February 11 and the complete Draft 5 of the LRM
will be available by February 17.
        a- Please help David by reviewing changes on the web before they get
integrated into the LRM.
7- The Draft 5 LRM review period will be closed by February 25, in order to
generate LRM draft 6 that goes to the TCC and Accellera Board.
        a- All committees should complete voting on technical approval of
        the 3.1A LRM by February 27. The voting will start on February
        26, assuming that all changes have been integrated in the LRM.
        All changes will be put on the web prior to inclusion into the LRM.
8- The Technically Approved LRM will be sent to Accellera Board and the TCC
by March 1.
        a- Final review period will be closed by March 17. Please remember,
        That this review is only for cosmetic changes or to correct editing
errors or mistakes.
9- March 15, the TCC provides its recommendation to the Accellera Board.
10- March 31, The Accellera Board completes voting.
11- April 2, We will release 3.1a approved LRM.
12- The SV chairs will continue to collect LRM feedback and issue an Errata
List that will accompany 3.1A LRM. We will release this Errata in May,
possibly through another LRM version.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Best Regards

The SV Chairs

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