[sv-bc] Separate Compilation Proposal for review

Subject: [sv-bc] Separate Compilation Proposal for review
From: Karen Pieper (Karen.Pieper@synopsys.com)
Date: Fri Oct 31 2003 - 13:37:17 PST

Dear committee members,

The Separate Compilation working group of the SV-BC has completed their
work on a recommendation to enhance SystemVerilog to support separate
compilation. The proposal that was approved by the working group is
available. ( http://www.eda.org/sv-ec/hm/att-1461/01-Packages_Sep_V5.pdf ).

This proposal was discussed at the last SV Chairs meeting where the
decision was made that each committee needs to be aware of the changes
being proposed, review the changes, and then provide feedback to the SV-BC.
The proposal will be reviewed, discussed, modified, and then voted on
within the SV-BC committee.

After the vote was taken within the working group there were some
discussions that suggested the proposal could be improved in order to
clarify the intent of the working group. Also available is a modified
version of
the approved proposal that includes suggested improvements
( http://www.eda.org/sv-ec/hm/att-1461/02-Packages_Sep_V8.pdf ). Please
review this document as well and provide
feedback to SV-BC.

Please have all comments or suggestions sent by next Friday (7 November) so
that the SV-BC can finish its review and vote on the document at the
upcoming Face-to-face meeting on 10 November 2003.

Thank you,

Karen Pieper
Chair, Separate Compilation Task Force

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