RE: [sv-bc] Re: What is the type of a slice?

From: Arturo Salz <>
Date: Wed Sep 16 2015 - 00:37:04 PDT
I agree with Gord's assessment. Additionaly, they could try testing for assignment compatibility but that require additional boiler-plate code and actually assigning to some temporaries.


From: [] On Behalf Of Gordon Vreugdenhil
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 11:23 PM
To: Brad Pierce;
Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Re: What is the type of a slice?

The LRM doesn't say.

The only related statement is in 11.4.12:  "One or more bits of a concatenation can be selected as if the concatenation were a packed array with the range [n-1:0]" which applies only to concats and then only in the context of a select.  The "as if" part of the statement should be a good indicator that there is no definition -- the select behaves "as if" the concat result is typed in that manner but it makes no claim about the *actual* type of the concat result.

Traditionally all operations in Verilog have only cared about widths since intermediate results weren't valid in indexing operations, there aren't "unconstrained arrays" in the VHDL sense, and there was no way to have type inspection.  The type operator exposes type detail in various ways that impacts that.

It would likely be very difficult to get agreement on any definition in the LRM.

I'd probably be more inclined to make it a user problem.  If, in your example, the user "expects" the result "1" then they should (be able to) build the comparison as:
     $size(type(v[3:2])) == $size(type(v[1:0]))
or build a "normalized type" as:
     typedef bit T [$size(type(v[3:2])) -1 : 0]
or similar.

There is a fair amount of pain in VHDL in terms of managing the type rules related to clear definitions for all sub-expression types and I'd prefer to not go that way in SV.


On 9/16/15 2:36 AM, Brad Pierce wrote:
Following up to , does the following display 1 or 0?

module test(output out);

  bit v[3:0];

  if (type(v[3:2]) == type(v[1:0]))

    assign out = 1'b1;


    assign out = 1'b0;

initial begin

  #1 $display(out);



-- Brad

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Gordon Vreugdenhil                                503-685-0808

Verification Technologies, Mentor Graphics<>

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