{Disarmed} RE: {Disarmed} [sv-bc] {Disarmed} Re: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

From: Katz, Jacob <jacob.katz@intel.com>
Date: Mon Sep 26 2011 - 11:09:56 PDT

I think that one certain outcome of this discussion is that the current proposal for 3564 should only talk about immediate assertions and say nothing about concurrent. Scheduling semantics of concurrent assertions in procedural code (not only always_comb) should probably be addressed separately...

Jacob M. Katz | jacob.katz@intel.com<mailto:jacob.katz@intel.com> | Work: +972-4-865-5726 | iNet: (8)-465-5726

From: owner-sv-bc@eda.org [mailto:owner-sv-bc@eda.org] On Behalf Of ben cohen
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 21:01
To: Prabhakar, Anupam
Cc: Korchemny, Dmitry; Steven Sharp; sv-ac@eda.org; sv-bc@eda.org; stuart@sutherland-hdl.com; Cliff Cummings; mills@lcdm-eng.com; Seligman, Erik
Subject: {Disarmed} [sv-bc] {Disarmed} Re: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

One more note because I tried something else, and the tool did not seem to respond the the leading clocking event sensitivity list.
module try();
    logic clk=0, a=0, b=0, c=0;
    initial #400 $finish;
    initial forever #20 clk = ~clk;
    always @ (posedge clk) begin
        $display("INFO_clk: time=%t, current a=%b, sampled a=%b, \
                    current b=%b, sampled b=%b",
            $time, a, $sampled(a), b, $sampled(b));
        #2 b <= !b;
    initial begin
        #40 a = 0;
        #40 a = 1;
    always_comb begin
        if (a)
            a1: assert property (@(posedge clk) b == c)
                $display("a1_PASS: time=%t, current a=%b, sampled a=%b, \
                    current b=%b, sampled b=%b",
                    $time, a, $sampled(a), b, $sampled(b));
                $display("a1_FAIL: time=%t, current a=%b, sampled a=%b, \
                    current b=%b, sampled b=%b",
                    $time, a, $sampled(a), b, $sampled(b));
// remember that c==0 all the time.
un 300ns
# INFO_clk: time= 20, current a=0, sampled a=0, current b=0, sampled b=0
# INFO_clk: time= 60, current a=0, sampled a=0, current b=1, sampled b=1
# INFO_clk: time= 100, current a=1, sampled a=0, current b=0, sampled b=0
# a1_PASS: time= 100, current a=1, sampled a=0, current b=0, sampled b=0
# INFO_clk: time= 140, current a=1, sampled a=1, current b=1, sampled b=1
// [Ben] Should have failed here, a==1, b==1, c==0 TOOL DID NOT TRIGGER
# INFO_clk: time= 180, current a=1, sampled a=1, current b=0, sampled b=0
// [Ben] should have passed here, a==1, b==0, c==0 TOOL DID NOT TRIGGER
# INFO_clk: time= 220, current a=1, sampled a=1, current b=1, sampled b=1
# INFO_clk: time= 260, current a=1, sampled a=1, current b=0, sampled b=0
# INFO_clk: time=
How about something like the following:
Expressions used in immediate assertions (see 16.3), within the block or within any function called within the block, also contribute to the implicit sensitivity list of an always_comb. Expressions used in concurrent assertions (see 16.5) do not contribute to the implicit sensitivity list of an always_comb, with the exception of the leading clocking event specified in the concurrent assertions. Note that caution need to be exercised because the the triggering condition for the concurrent assertions are evaluated in the Active region, whereas the variables used in the concurrent assertions are sampled in the Preponed region.
[Ben] This is a change to whatever the current tool I a using is doing. The current tool fires only when the always_comb triggers, then uses the current triggering conditions, and if a pass, then used the sampled values of the properties to evaluate the assertion.
A big mess. we need to clarify this, one way or the other.

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 10:40 AM, ben cohen <hdlcohen@gmail.com<mailto:hdlcohen@gmail.com>> wrote:
Jacob, I modified your code as follows and I have some concerns.
module try();
    logic clk=0, a=0, b=1, c=0;
    initial #200 $finish;
    initial forever #20 clk = ~clk;
    initial begin
        #40 a = 0;
        #40 a = 1;
    always_comb begin
        if (a)
            a1: assert property (@(posedge clk) b == c) else
                $display("a1 FAIL: time=%t, current a=%b, sampled a=%b",
                    $time, a, $sampled(a));
Simulation results with one tool:
run 150ns
# a1 FAIL: time= 100, current a=1, sampled a=0
In this example, "a" is evaluated to true in the active region, and the assertion takes the current value of "a" to evaluate its properties.

I then tried the following example to determine if the tool takes the sampled or current value of "b"
module try2();
    logic clk=0, a=0, b=0, c=0;
    initial #200 $finish;
    initial forever #20 clk = ~clk;
    always @ (posedge clk) b <= !b;
    initial begin
        #40 a = 0;
        #40 a = 1;
    always_comb begin
        if (a)
            a1: assert property (@(posedge clk) b == c)
            $display("a1_PASS: time=%t, current a=%b, sampled a=%b, \
                    current b=%b, sampled b=%b",
                    $time, a, $sampled(a), b, $sampled(b));
                $display("a1_FAIL: time=%t, current a=%b, sampled a=%b, \
                    current b=%b, sampled b=%b",
                    $time, a, $sampled(a), b, $sampled(b));
Sim results: run 150ns
# a1_PASS: time= 100, current a=1, sampled a=0, current b=1, sampled b=0

Bottom line: This tool takes the "actual" values evaluated in the Active region ("a" in this case), and uses that new result along with the sampled values of the property variables ("b" and "c" in the Preponed region).
Thus, it is NOT correct to say that
 always_comb begin
        if (a)
            a1: assert property (@(posedge clk) b == c);
is same as
a1b: assert property(@ (posedge clk) a |-> b==c);
They ARE NOT the same because in a1b the the property variables are sampled in the Preponed region, whereas in the always_comb, the triggering conditions that enable the assertion are evaluated in the Active region.

So where do we go from here? How about something like the following:
Expressions used in immediate assertions (see 16.3), within the block or within any function called within the block, also contribute to the implicit sensitivity list of an always_comb. Expressions used in concurrent assertions (see 16.5) do not contribute to the implicit sensitivity list of an always_comb, with the exception of the leading clocking event specified in the concurrent assertions. Note that caution need to be exercised because the the triggering condition for the concurrent assertions are evaluated in the Active region, whereas the variables used in the concurrent assertions are sampled in the Preponed region.
Ben Cohen

In the example below, the always_comb shall trigger whenever b,c or e change.

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Prabhakar, Anupam <anupam_prabhakar@mentor.com<mailto:anupam_prabhakar@mentor.com>> wrote:
Hi Dmitry,

I disagree with your requirement to write deferred assertions outside the process.
AP: Absolutely - a deferred assertion should be embedded in the process in normal cases. I was only referring to the ones which reference a variable, let's say, 'x' which is not otherwise used in that process. My argument is that you probably will have a similar assertion written in the other process which modifies 'x' also. The other option is to pull the assertion out and write it separately and I agree that this might not be convenient.

The nesting of the code where a deferred assertion is written may be very deep (as I tried to emulate in my example), and an attempt to write the assertion outside the process will require huge code duplication and rewriting of procedural code in the form of generate blocks. I saw many such examples of nested deferred assertions in real life designs.
AP: Are you are saying that you find assertions that refer to variables not otherwise used in that process very common in real life designs ?
The reason you want that immediate assertion should contribute to the sensitivity of always_comb is only to evaluate the assertion itself and 'hope' there is no side-effect of the whole always_comb getting evaluated again. This might be true in most of the cases but I will be very careful when making this assumption. What about simple cases where there is a $display. You turn off assertions using $assertoff and your output references change.
There will be trade-offs no matter what we decide here - we will need to decide which problem we want to solve.


From: Korchemny, Dmitry [mailto:dmitry.korchemny@intel.com<mailto:dmitry.korchemny@intel.com>]
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 11:52 PM

To: Prabhakar, Anupam; Steven Sharp; sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda.org>; sv-bc@eda.org<mailto:sv-bc@eda.org>
Cc: stuart@sutherland-hdl.com<mailto:stuart@sutherland-hdl.com>; Cliff Cummings; mills@lcdm-eng.com<mailto:mills@lcdm-eng.com>; Seligman, Erik
Subject: RE: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

Hi Anupam,

I agree with your first comment and with your statement that in the normal case there is no side effect introduced by an immediate assertion. The behavior of the code snippet in 3564 is nondeterministic even in the absence of the assertion since it depends on the number of the block relaxations in a timestep:

  if (a == 1)
  assert(b == 0);

Such pathological constructs are ruled out by the vague LRM statement "Software tools should perform additional checks to warn if the behavior within an always_comb procedure does not represent combinational logic, such as if latched behavior can be inferred." (

I disagree with your requirement to write deferred assertions outside the process. The nesting of the code where a deferred assertion is written may be very deep (as I tried to emulate in my example), and an attempt to write the assertion outside the process will require huge code duplication and rewriting of procedural code in the form of generate blocks. I saw many such examples of nested deferred assertions in real life designs.


From: Prabhakar, Anupam [mailto:anupam_prabhakar@mentor.com<mailto:anupam_prabhakar@mentor.com>]
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 23:45
To: Korchemny, Dmitry; Steven Sharp; sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda.org>; sv-bc@eda.org<mailto:sv-bc@eda.org>
Cc: stuart@sutherland-hdl.com<mailto:stuart@sutherland-hdl.com>; Cliff Cummings; mills@lcdm-eng.com<mailto:mills@lcdm-eng.com>; Seligman, Erik
Subject: RE: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

Hi Dmitry,

Please see my comments below.


From: Korchemny, Dmitry [mailto:dmitry.korchemny@intel.com<mailto:dmitry.korchemny@intel.com>]
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 12:16 PM
To: Prabhakar, Anupam; Steven Sharp; sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda.org>; sv-bc@eda.org<mailto:sv-bc@eda.org>
Cc: stuart@sutherland-hdl.com<mailto:stuart@sutherland-hdl.com>; Cliff Cummings; mills@lcdm-eng.com<mailto:mills@lcdm-eng.com>; Seligman, Erik
Subject: RE: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

Hi Anupam,

Please, ignore my previous answer to this mail, I missed the point that you were talking about immediate assertions and sent an answer about concurrent ones.

One simple example is the definition of a standalone deferred assertion: an immediate assertion incorporated into an always_comb block. Had always_comb been non-sensitive to the assertion expression, this definition would be meaningless.
AP : I think this definition can simply be re-worded without any change in functionality.

Another example is the case when an embedded assertion depends on some external signal that may change independently. E.g.,

always_comb begin
                if (a) begin
                                for (int i = 0; i < 8: i++) begin
                                                en[i] = ...;
                                                assert #0 (en[i] -> x[i]); // x is assigned in a different process; This assertion should be checked also when x changes
AP : Even if we make always_comb sensitive to 'x' the assert is still gated by 'a'. Would you also put another assert #0 (en[i] -> x[i]) in the process that assigns 'x' ? For such dependencies it might be best to keep the deferred assert outside the processes which assign 'en' and 'x', especially since the LRM does not limit writing a deferred only in procedural blocks. In any case what I was looking for was an example where not including the immediate assert expression causes undesired behavior other than evaluation of the assertion itself.



From: Prabhakar, Anupam [mailto:anupam_prabhakar@mentor.com<mailto:anupam_prabhakar@mentor.com>]
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 07:34
To: Steven Sharp; sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda.org>; sv-bc@eda.org<mailto:sv-bc@eda.org>
Cc: stuart@sutherland-hdl.com<mailto:stuart@sutherland-hdl.com>; Cliff Cummings; mills@lcdm-eng.com<mailto:mills@lcdm-eng.com>; Korchemny, Dmitry; Seligman, Erik
Subject: RE: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

One reasoning to not add the expression in an immediate assertion to always_comb sensitivity is that an assertion should be considered as an observer (rather than a contributor. At the same time the result of an always_comb should not depend on whether immediate assertion expression participates on not - except in some weird cases (like the example I wrote in mantis 3564). I would be interested to see a case where not including immediate assertion expression can lead to undesired behavior - maybe Dmitry/Eric can provide one.


From: Steven Sharp [mailto:sharp@cadence.com<mailto:sharp@cadence.com>]
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 5:33 PM
To: Prabhakar, Anupam; sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda.org>; sv-bc@eda.org<mailto:sv-bc@eda.org>
Subject: RE: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

If I understand procedural concurrent assertions correctly, the always_comb doesn't evaluate them, but rather launches a concurrent subprocess that goes off and check them. As a result, I would not expect them to add anything to the sensitivity of the always_comb. If fork..join_none were allowed in always_comb, I would expect the same thing for any subprocesses that it launched. Or taking the example of fork..join_none, perhaps concurrent assertions should be illegal in always_comb. I don't see what reasonable purpose they serve there, and I suspect that they would lead to other problems besides the issue of the sensitivity list.

However, I disagree with Stu about immediate assertions. These are evaluated by the always_comb process itself. They are equivalent to an if-statement that produces an error and/or executes some code if the condition is not met. If such a construct were coded directly, it would add to the sensitivity list, so why shouldn't the immediate assertion? Stu has acknowledged that not adding it to the sensitivity list would create a problem, for which he suggests that a cautionary note would be adequate. However, he has not pointed out any situation where adding it to the sensitivity list creates a problem. This might cause extra evaluations which serve only to check the immediate assertion without any possibility of changing an output, but this doesn't appear to cause any problem other than some simulation cost. I don't see how this could lead to mismatches between RTL simulation and synthesized hardware (for things other than the assertions themselves, which are not synthesizable).

From: owner-sv-bc@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-bc@eda.org> [mailto:owner-sv-bc@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-bc@eda.org>] On Behalf Of Prabhakar, Anupam
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 5:46 PM
To: sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda.org>; sv-bc@eda.org<mailto:sv-bc@eda.org>
Subject: [sv-bc] FW: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

Including SV-BC for a wider audience ....
From: owner-sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org> [mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org>] On Behalf Of Stuart Sutherland
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 2:26 PM
To: 'Samik Sengupta'; 'Seligman, Erik'; sv-ac@eda-stds.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda-stds.org>
Cc: Cliff Cummings; mills@lcdm-eng.com<mailto:mills@lcdm-eng.com>
Subject: RE: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26 (resend with the correct Mantis number)

In my opinion, even adding the condition(s) of an immediate assertion to the always_comb (or always_latch) sensistivity list is a BAD IDEA! It will force engineers to go back to the old days of having to deal with simulation and synthesis seeing very different things in the same block of code, and will lead to mismatches in RTL simulation and synthesized hardware. It is nasty, dangerous, and can risk expensive re-spins of a chip. Don't mess with the rules of inferred sensivity!!!!

I would much rather see a rule in the standard that any type of assertion in always_comb and always_latch does not affect the inferred sensitivity list in any way. A cautionary note would be appropriate that if the immediate assertion reads an expression that are not read elsewhere in the procedure, the immediate assertion will not be evaluated when that expression changes value.

Again, I am copying Cliff and Don, in case fellow real designers think I am off base.


From: owner-sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org> [mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org>] On Behalf Of Stuart Sutherland
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 2:10 PM
To: sv-ac@eda-stds.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda-stds.org>
Cc: Cliff Cummings; mills@lcdm-eng.com<mailto:mills@lcdm-eng.com>
Subject: RE: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

From both a SystemVerilog and SVA user and an SVA instructor point of view...

Adding the clock event to the sensitivity list of an always_comb would be a likely source of simulation and synthesis and real hardware mismatches. It is a horrible idea. The goal when always_comb was added to the language - in the days of Superlog, long before Verilog++ or SystemVerilog, and long before the AC committee got involved with the language - was to make simulation and synthesis as closely aligned as reasonable.

Please do no mangle the rules of always_comb for purposes that are not in line with the intent of the construct!

If you need to add special rules for concurrent assertion behavior in an always_comb block, specify those rules on the assert property statement, not on always_comb. For example, you could define rules that an assert property in any type of always block will run as a parallel background task with its own sensitivity list, where perhaps __some__ of the assertion's sensitivity was inferred from the always procedure context but is totally independent of the always procedure sensitivity list.

I am copying Cliff Cummings and Don Mills on this message, two former SV committee members and engineers with a good understanding of the purpose of always_comb, always_latch, and always_ff and why we wanted them in SystemVerilog. I hope they will respond and let me know if I am off base on my adamant opposition to concurrent assertions affecting the inferred sensitivity list.

Stuart Sutherland
Sutherland HDL, Inc.
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "stuart@sutherland-hdl.com" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "stuart@sutherland-hdl.com" claiming to be stuart@sutherland-hdl.com<http://stuart@sutherland-hdl.com>

From: owner-sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org> [mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org>] On Behalf Of Korchemny, Dmitry
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 4:27 AM
To: ben@systemverilog.us<mailto:ben@systemverilog.us>; Eduard Cerny
Cc: Seligman, Erik; sv-ac@eda-stds.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda-stds.org>
Subject: RE: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

Hi Ben,

Your example does not agree with the position of Ed, Anupam and Manisha.

IMO a procedural concurrent assertion should be evaluated at each clock tick when its enabling condition is active. In Ben's example I would expect that the new attempt of b |=> d is checked each time when its enabling condition a is asserted. Therefore, if a is always 1 this assertion should be equivalent to assert property(@ (posedge clk) b|=> d);

If we adopt the opposite point of view that the clocking event of the concurrent assertion does not belong to the sensitivity list then we will have the embedded assertion roughly equivalent to:

assert property(@ (posedge clk) $rose(a) |-> b|=> d);

which does not seem to be very useful.

Inserting the clocking event into the sensitivity list of the procedure should not be very expensive in simulation. The simulator may cache the latest value of the context of the concurrent assertion and not to reevaluate the entire procedure on the rising edge of the clock, i.e. actually not to include the clocking event into the sensitivity list.


From: ben cohen [mailto:hdlcohen@gmail.com<mailto:hdlcohen@gmail.com>]
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 20:13
To: Eduard Cerny
Cc: Seligman, Erik; Korchemny, Dmitry; sv-ac@eda-stds.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda-stds.org>
Subject: Re: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

I agree with Ed and Anupam. Below is code that I tested with a simulator. In the always_comb, I have:
          ap_conc: assert property(@ (posedge clk) b|=> d) else $display("ap_coc error");
The simulator behaved as the following

ap_conc_equivalent: assert property(@ (posedge clk) if(a) b|=> d) else $display("ap_coc error");

module test_abcde;
    logic clk=0, a=0, b=1, c=1, d=0, e=0;
    initial forever #10 clk=!clk;

    // always @ (posedge clk) b <= !b;
    initial begin
            #2 e=1'b1;
            #3 e=1'b0;
            #7 e=1'b1;
            #23 b=1'b0;
            #40 b=1'b1;
            #27 c=1'b0;

        a = b & c;
        ap: assert (a != e) else $display("ap error");
          ap_conc: assert property(@ (posedge clk) b|=> d) else $display("ap_coc error");

Ben Cohen

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Eduard Cerny <Eduard.Cerny@synopsys.com<mailto:Eduard.Cerny@synopsys.com>> wrote:
I am also a little confused what we are voting on, 2093 or 3564. Regarding 3564, my thought is as follows:
for immediate, deferred and final assertions, only variables in the condition of the assertion should contribute to the sensitivity list, not those appearing in the action blocks. For concurrent assertions, IMHO they should not contribute in any way to the sensitivity list. An attempt is enabled when control reaches the location of the assertion in the always_comb procedure and then they run totally independently of the always, on their own clock. None of the variables in the assertion has anything to do with the actual evaluation of the always_comb.

Best regards,

From: owner-sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org> [mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org>] On Behalf Of Seligman, Erik
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 11:34 AM
To: Korchemny, Dmitry; sv-ac@eda-stds.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda-stds.org>
Subject: [sv-ac] RE: Call to vote: Due September 26

I assume we're really voting on 3564, not 2093?

I vote NO on 3564. Reasoning: The current proposal explicitly states that expressions in concurrent assertions do not wake up the always_comb, but I don't believe this is a correct solution. As an RTL author, I would want the always_comb to wake up at some point soon after any changes to the sampled expression, as well as any time a const' expression changes.

Since we agreed that more time is needed for a clean definition of behavior under concurrent assertions, we should just talk about immediate assertions in this proposal, and leave the concurrent case undefined (which we will fix in the next PAR). So I would rewrite the proposal as:

Expressions used in immediate assertions (see 16.3), within the block or within any function called within the block, also contribute to the implicit sensitivity list of an always_comb. In the example below, the always_comb shall trigger whenever b,c or e change.

    a = b & c;
    assert (a != e);

From: owner-sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org> [mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org<mailto:owner-sv-ac@eda.org>] On Behalf Of Korchemny, Dmitry
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 11:55 PM
To: sv-ac@eda-stds.org<mailto:sv-ac@eda-stds.org>
Subject: [sv-ac] Call to vote: Due September 26

-You have until 11:59 pm PDT, Monday, September 26, 2011 to respond

-An issue passes if there are zero NO votes and half of the eligible voters respond with a YES vote.

-If you vote NO on any issue, your vote must be accompanied by a reason.

The issue will then be up for discussion during a future conference call.

As of the September 20, 2011 meeting, the eligible voters are

Ashok Bhatt

Eduard Cerny

Ben Cohen

Dana Fisman

Tapan Kapoor

Jacob Katz

Scott Little

Manisha Kulshrestha

Anupam Prabhakar

Erik Seligman

Samik Sengupta

Tom Thatcher

Mantis 2093 ____ Yes ____ No
http://www.eda-stds.org/mantis/view.php?id=3564 <http://www.eda-stds.org/mantis/view.php?id=2093%20>

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