RE: [sv-bc] Spreadsheet voting status

From: Maidment, Matthew R <>
Date: Wed Apr 21 2010 - 14:30:23 PDT

In order to populate the list of items on the 'Votes' spreadsheet, I "linked" the list of all requested items.
Every time an issue was added to the requested items it was added to the Votes sheet, BUT only if it's unique
and it was added in numerical order. If you speak spreadsheet, then the formula used in 'Votes'!A3 explains it
more succinctly:

=sort(unique('All Requested Items'!A2:A500))

The problem that I now see that when an issue is added, the contents of column A shift BUT the contents
of all other columns (YOUR VOTES) do not. As a result, any voting input will be skewed.

I *thought* I was being clever, but I see now I was too clever.

I changed the "votes" worksheet list of issues to exactly mirror that of all requested items. When a requested item
is added to the end of the list, so it goes on the 'Votes' spreadsheet.

Heath, your votes aren't trashed but they are messed up. I copied their last state to the Unique Sorted Issues
worksheet. If you can salvage anything from there great, but please re-vote in the revamped 'Votes' worksheet.

Sorry for the trouble, but it will at least keep your input sane. I'll have to do some magic later to
get it sorted and tallied.


Matt Maidment
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf Of Gordon
>Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 11:01 AM
>To: SV_BC List
>Subject: [sv-bc] Spreadsheet voting status
>In case anyone (other than Don -- thanks Don) has noticed, the
>sheet one and sheet two of the spreadsheet are not row-aligned
>which is what I assumed when I recorded my votes.  So if you've
>looked at (and care) how I voted, please ignore what's there
>as I have to redo that.
>Gordon Vreugdenhil                                503-685-0808
>Model Technology (Mentor Graphics)      
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