[sv-bc] LRM 3.1 Draft 4.0 review -Meeting reminder and brudge num ber

Subject: [sv-bc] LRM 3.1 Draft 4.0 review -Meeting reminder and brudge num ber
From: Srouji, Johny (johny.srouji@intel.com)
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 09:07:09 PDT

Hi All,


Thanks to Karen, we have the following bridge number for our tele-call
tomorrow, 8:30-10:30 AM PDT.


Call-in information:

Toll Free Dial-In Number: (877) 807-5706
Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number: (225)383-8961


I will send a compiled list of all review comments I got so far and send it
before the meeting.




--- Johny.



-----Original Message-----
From: Srouji, Johny
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 10:36 PM
To: sv-bc@eda.org
Subject: [sv-bc] LRM 3.1 Draft 4.0 review
Importance: High


Hi All,


Please see the following schedule which was decided by TCC. Given, the
aggressive schedule I suggest that every "chapter" owner completes his
review in the next two days and send the comments to David Smith and Myself.


I move that we hold a SV-BC tele-call meeting this Thursday, April 10
8:30-10:30 AM PDT. This will be dedicated to go over LRM issues, main review
comments, etc. I will ask Karen to setup a bridge.


SV-BC LRM Issues:

LRM-2 LRM-3 LRM-4 LRM-5 LRM-6 LRM-9 LRM-25 LRM-26 LRM-46 LRM-47

LRM-49 LRM-50 LRM-51 LRM-52 LRM-53 LRM-54 LRM-55 LRM-56 LRM-57 LRM-58 LRM-59



As communicated in a previous note, we shall keep this process "light".



April 11 - all changes in including BNF(except for AC which is working a
special process and doing their own editing) have been sent to David S. for
incorporation in Change list for LRM and David sends the completed material
to Stu.

April 14 - AC Section 17 (in Frame) and related BNF are sent to Stu/Stefen

April 15 - Stu completes the LRM draft 5 and sends to the committees

April 23-April 29 - Committees vote on the LRM

April 29 - Any changes from the voting process are complete and in Draft 6
(a clean version goes to the TCC and the Accellera Board)

May 15 - Champion and also SV chairs should set down and review the entire
volume and provide Stu with correction.

NOTE: This is confusing. If there are to be no changes in the LRM after it
is sent to the board except for spelling and grammar then what are the
Champions doing and what type of corrections will Stu get. I would contend
that the only action that can be done by this date is errata and NO
technical or clarification changes.

May 24 - Stu completes final LRM and sends to chairs for approval.

May 25 - Chairs send errata to Stu on the final LRM (make sure all changes
have been made correctly).

May 26 - Stu publishes final version


--- Johny.

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