RE: [sv-bc] LRM 3.1 draft 4 "light" review process

Subject: RE: [sv-bc] LRM 3.1 draft 4 "light" review process
From: Srouji, Johny (
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 06:56:55 PST

Hi all,


Please do not start any review until Draft 4.0 is out. It will be very hard
to get the section/page numbering correct otherwise.

The meeting for next Monday, April 7, is CANCELLED (we don't have enough
time to review draft 4.0)


--- Johny.


-----Original Message-----
From: Srouji, Johny
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 8:18 PM
Cc: David W. Smith
Subject: [sv-bc] LRM 3.1 draft 4 "light" review process


Hi All,


Given that draft 4.0 is not out yet, I suggest that we follow a lighter
process of the EC sections review.

David Smith did a quick analysis of the BC and EC changes which were
submitted to Stu for Draft 4.0. Based on his analysis there were no
conflicts requiring changes, which is good news.


I suggest that each owner (list is below) for a chapter, reads the relevant
EC section in his chapter and send any typo, semantics corrections, etc
issues to David and copy me (I will compile major issues which probably will
have to be tabled for LRM 3.2). At this stage, I don't think we need another
sv-bc meeting next Monday, April 7. I will send an update before the


Here is the list of owners per chapters:


Chapters 1, 13 --> Cliff Cummings

Chapter 20 --> Brad Pierce

BNF, Annex A, B --> Dan Jacobi

Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 --> Dave Rich

Chapters 11, 12 --> Francoise Martinolle

Chapter 15 --> Karen

Chapter 8 --> Dennis

Chapter 9, 10 --> Matt Maidment

Chapter 10 --> Johny




--- Johny.



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