[sv-bc] Annex A Draft BNF1

Subject: [sv-bc] Annex A Draft BNF1
From: Stefen Boyd (stefen@boyd.com)
Date: Sat Mar 29 2003 - 22:21:07 PST

Just in case it wasn't clear for those who haven't looked at
the HTML version of the BNF before... I have used scripts to
hyperlink the BNF productions (the original scripts were from
Adam Krolnik - thanks Adam). I have removed the traditional
underline on the links so underscores in names are visible.
All keywords and punctuation is in red and all productions
that are linked up are in blue. If it wasn't linked, it's in
black... so black text is generally undesirable.


Stefen Boyd Boyd Technology, Inc.
stefen@BoydTechInc.com (408)739-BOYD
www.BoydTechInc.com (408)739-1402 (fax)

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