Re: [sv-bc] Proposal for SV-BC 19-12

Subject: Re: [sv-bc] Proposal for SV-BC 19-12
From: Brad Pierce (
Date: Wed Jan 29 2003 - 09:28:17 PST

Please disregard the postscript of my previous message, since
the underscored names at the end are in conflict with the LRM.
They should be more like --

    wire [7:0] loop[2].x [3:0] [1:0];
    wire [11:0] loop[3].x [5:0] [2:0];

-- Brad

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Brad
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 8:40 AM
Subject: [sv-bc] Proposal for SV-BC 19-12

---------------- Proposal ---------------------------------------------

Change 2nd production of type_declaration in A.2.1.3 from --

    | 'typedef'
                   { [ constant_expression ] }
                                '.' type_identifier


    | 'typedef'
                   [ '[' constant_expression ']' ]
                                '.' type_identifier


Add to A.9.3 --





Here's an example using generated instances. I'm not clear on how to do this sort of thing with arrayed interface instances --

interface it #(parameter N = 8) (input bit clk) ; typedef bit[4*N-1:0] u_t[2*N-1:0][N-1:0] ; endinterface

module m #(parameter N=15) (input bit clk); generate for ( genvar i = 2 ; i < N ; i++ ) begin : loop it #(i) it_inst() ; typedef it_inst.u_t u_t; u_t x ; end endgenerate endmodule

should yield something like --

module m (clk); input clk; wire clk; parameter N = 15; wire [7:0] loop_2_x [3:0] [1:0]; wire [11:0] loop_3_x [5:0] [2:0]; wire [15:0] loop_4_x [7:0] [3:0]; wire [19:0] loop_5_x [9:0] [4:0]; wire [23:0] loop_6_x [11:0] [5:0]; wire [27:0] loop_7_x [13:0] [6:0]; wire [31:0] loop_8_x [15:0] [7:0]; wire [35:0] loop_9_x [17:0] [8:0]; wire [39:0] loop_10_x [19:0] [9:0]; wire [43:0] loop_11_x [21:0] [10:0]; wire [47:0] loop_12_x [23:0] [11:0]; wire [51:0] loop_13_x [25:0] [12:0]; wire [55:0] loop_14_x [27:0] [13:0]; endmodule

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