Nested module naming / Sec 12.4

Subject: Nested module naming / Sec 12.4
From: Kevin Cameron (
Date: Fri Nov 22 2002 - 17:21:11 PST

A minor issue came up in the C committee on the naming of tasks/functions for
export: we noticed that we can now have multiple modules of the same
name nested inside modules of different names, so we need a syntax for
selecting a particular nested module. This issue may also apply to instantiating
modules from libraries (as suggested in 12.4), i.e. if I have a library module A
and a library module B which both have a nested module C, how do I get
the C I want? Can I do something like:

        A::C c1 (..); // get lib A version of C

- or is C unreacheable outside A & B - in which case I can't really do
libraries without multiply including the contents of A or B (which would be
horribly inefficient).

Either way 12.4 needs some further explanation.


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