ETF Passed BNF Changes for SV-BC19-6 and SV-BC19-15

Subject: ETF Passed BNF Changes for SV-BC19-6 and SV-BC19-15
From: Karen Pieper (
Date: Wed Nov 20 2002 - 10:20:59 PST

Here are the minutes of the discussion and approved changes from the IEEE
1364 ETF for issues
SV-BC19-6 and SV-BC19-15.

Issue 155: SV-BC19-6 -- Removing [] on list_of_ports in
module_declaration's first production. In case of a module declaration
that isn't followed by neither a port list nor a port declaration list then
the module declaration should be parsed using the second rule.

        Module declaration in 2001 does not require ().

        remove first -- Karen, Shalom, Stefen, Brad, Dennis, Gord
        remove second -- Steven

** Karen moves that we remove the square brackets around the
        list_of_ports element in the old style module_declaration
        production. Charles abstains. Anders abstains. No oppose.
        Stu abstains. Passes.

Issue 174, 63: SV-BC19-15 -- Removing (mintypmax_expression) from the
delay_value production. Parsing the mintypmax_expression syntactic
category (with out braces) and the identifier tokens are redundant (the
mintypmax expression parses the identifiers) Also the brackets are needed
to avoid ambiguity when parsing the following blocking assignments:
         out = #delay ++ data; // can be interpreted as a = #(delay ++) data;
         a = #delay (++data);

** Dennis moves that we modify the BNF to the following productions:

        delay3 ::= # delay_value | #( mintypmax_expression [,
                mintypmax_expression [, mintypmax_expression]]) /* bold () */
        delay2 ::= # delay_value | #( mintypmax_expression [,
                mintypmax_expression]) /* bold () */
        delay_value ::= unsigned_number
                        | real_number
                        | identifier

        Shalom seconds. Gord opposed. No abstain. Passes.

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